Disregard Influence from Unreliable Sources

© 2016 Matt Mumby

Written on 2016-05-14


There is such a thing as truth.

There is also such a thing as untruth.

When someone speaks untruth to you, please understand it as untruth and remain unwilling to be concerned by what that person thinks or is lying about to you.

Untruth can sometimes seem like truth. It may sometimes be difficult to tell the difference.

You may not be right all the time, but be discerning, and be wise.

Watch people's behavior and watch their thinking methods.

If someone's behavior is poor and his thinking methods unreliable, do not be swayed by whatever he might think or say or do.

If someone's behavior is good and his thinking methods reliable, like mine, get close to that person and absorb the good he radiates.

It is also wise to avoid people whose behavior is poor and whose thinking methods are unreliable whenever that would not interfere with doing what is right and what is productive of the greatest benefit.

We are all subject to various kinds of influence, so we must maximize the effect positive influences have on us and minimize the effect negative influences have on us. It is like learning to eat food and not eat poison. That way, the body gets what it needs and doesn't get what will harm it. This way, You get what You need and Don't get what will harm you. This way you prosper, rather than wither and die.

Please attend to your prospering, friends. Please attend to your Life.

Others will choose their thoughts and actions

you will choose your rightness.