Kill the View That Maintaining the Way Things Are Is Holy

© 2016 Matt Mumby

Written on 2016-05-14


Reliance upon the way things are at present is common.

Many people have so much difficulty even surviving as it is that they are concerned that any sufficiently large change might cause enough imbalance to render them unable to do so, so they don't want change, even when that change is Necessary for them to survive. They don't have enough energy to have any wider view - they are shackled to subsistence.

Once one is unable to view what is down the various paths that one might take at any time and determine that certain paths, although difficult and painful, should be taken because of what will result from taking those paths, one is just stuck in the status quo sooner or later and must only wait for the deterioration and death that must follow stagnation.

Life depends on energy - energy.

Energy: courage, intelligence, will, creativity, and persistence.


Where there is no energy there is death.

Death is another word for "no energy".

Energy is another word for life.

Since life is merely energy, a living being is not reliant upon the maintenance of the way things are. A living being is only reliant upon having enough energy to continue to live. He can alter his entire being and his complete circumstances entirely so long as he continues to have enough energy to live and progress at each moment before, during, and after the transition.

If you would live, also understand that maximizing your vitality often requires enduring pain and overcoming difficulty at present.

Live. Choose life, and do not choose stagnation and death. Do not choose to simply be okay, do not choose to not have symptoms of illness, do not choose to function, do not choose to be accepted by others, and do not choose to live up to someone else's expectations. Choose

to LIVE.