Annihilate the Conceit That Pleasure in the Present Is More Important Than Order

© 2016 Matt Mumby

Written on 2016-05-14


It is very useful for things to be in the best arrangement possible.

That arrangement is called order, or perfect order.

Any other arrangement is a degree of order, or a degree of disorder. These are the same, much as a degree of heat and a degree of coolness are the same. You can look at an imperfect arrangement as orderly or disorderly - the distinction relies upon perspective.

Anyway, when one goes after pleasure rather than order, pain follows.

When one eats some tasty food that is not good for the health of one's body, one immediately experiences some pleasure, but pain surely follows because of the harm done to one's body.

On the other thand, when one goes after order, whether going after it is pleasant or painful, pleasure results.

When one seeks to, without doing anything wrong, improve the health of one's body, using means that actually are capable of improving the health of one's body, one trains oneself in what is right, and because of that pleasure follows. One also often actually improves the health of one's body, and pleasure follows.

Ideally, one would make everything orderly.

One's body, one's environment, one's mind, one's thoughts, one's actions, and one's initiative.

One's environment, by the way, includes the bodies, minds, etc of those around one (out to any range).

That is what I am doing in writing this website. I mean its effect on me as well, since I gain a lot from writing this personally. I write things that are quite amazing to myself, for example.

That is what I recommend you do with Everything you do.

Be orderly

be order

and make others you.

It won't be long before this whole planet and beyond is like you

it won't be long before it comes home.

It won't be long before it sits down and pants before its kind owner, Truth.

It won't be long before it unfolds.